21 Day Fix Download Utorrent

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One of the things I like most about the 21 Day Fix program is that it is not only a workout plan but also combines a genius nutrition plan too.

Why do you need a genius nutrition plan ?

When you plan on losing weight, working out is important but 72% of your results will come from your diet. By diet I don’t just mean eating nothing but vegetables or some other crazy fad diet but having a healthy mix of foods and, most important of all, eating meals that you enjoy so you have the motivation to continue.

I’m pretty sure that in my everyday diet, I could replace some of my meals with healthier options or stop eating some treats like ice cream or restrain myself from eating French fries. But, let’s be honest, the most important factor to reach your goals is motivation.

When you feel motivated you can be disciplined and put in a lot of effort, but you also need some pleasures like snacks or treats, say ice cream or French fries, once in a while so you can take a small break from your journey to success. Very strict diets are no fun and hard to stick to so while some sacrifices are necessary, it’s a good idea to indulge yourself with some small pleasures once in a while to keep your motivation levels high.

A diet plan is a very important part of your losing weight goal so let’s see how 21 day fix, available at amazon.com, addresses it and how it can help you to organize your meals, while keeping you motivated.

As you may know, Beach Body – one of the most popular home workout programs – has created a color coded container system for making organizing your diet easier. In other words, you have a set of containers with different sizes and colors. What does that mean?

The sizes tell you how much you can eat, and the colors tell you the type of food. That way you don’t have to weigh or measure everything in order to prepare your meals but just need to pick the type of food and fill each container to know the exact recommended amount for your target calories.

Your target calories, and I’ll explain next, will define the number of containers that you can have per day. While this may sound confusing, it is in fact very easy and straightforward once you understand this genius concept.

Color Coded Containers and Sizes

In your 21 Day Fix Package you’ll get:

  • 1 Green Container : For Vegetables
  • 1 Purple Container : For Fruits
  • 1 Red Container : For Proteins
  • 1Yellow Container : For Carbohydrates
  • 1 Blue Container : For Healthy Fats and Cheeses
  • 2 Orange Containers: Seeds and dressings
  • 1 Shakeology Cup: For Mixing Drinks

In total you have 7 containers in 6 different colors and sizes .Each container must be filled with the respective type of food.

The 21 Day Fix program uses seven containers in six different sizes and colors to make eating healthily and losing weight simple and easy. Each container must be filled with the respective type of food; the number of containers you use depending on your daily calorie needs.

Where I can get the 21 Day Fix Containers ?

The 21 Day Fix Containers kit can be bought separately
on Amazon.

There are several different container options available but I recommend you to get the official Beachbody containers, because they are the only ones that have the exact measurements as defined by the eating plan.

I, personally, recommend the Beachbody’s Portion Fix (my review here), which includes all the color coded containers, plus the Shaker Cup and The Portion Fix Eating Guide, also available on amazon.com.

Why ? These containers have the official size and measures as defined on the 21 Day Fix eating plan. This set does not include the eating plan or any sort of instructions. The containers are BPA-free and DEHP-free and you can use them in your microwave and they are dishwasher safe too.

If you are only looking for the containers I recommend you to get the official Beachbody Portion Control Seven Piece Container Kit at amazon.com . Would you like to know more about this kit ? read my 21 day Fix 7 Piece Containers Kit review.

Once you have your containers, the next step is to calculate your daily caloric intake, which is the target calories mentioned before, so you know how many containers you should use per day.

Target Calories

The formula to calculate is the following

  • Your current weight (lbs) x 11 = Your baseline
  • Your baseline + 400 (it’s the Fix calorie burn) = Your caloric need
  • Your caloric need – 750 (calorie deficit) = Your target calories.

Let’s see my example.

  • My current weight is 147 pounds
  • 147 pounds (my current weight) x 11 = 1617 (my baseline)
  • 1617 (my baseline) + 400 = 2017 -> my caloric need
  • 2017 (my caloric need) – 750 = 1267 -> My target Calories
  • My target calories is 1267

Using the 21 Day Fix nutritional system, I know the number of each colored container that I can use for each day.

Before we continue, use the above formula to calculate your target.

Ok, now that we know our target let’s continue !

The 21 Day Fix defines 4 different target calories ranges that will determine your daily diet.

Note: If you target calories is under 1200 then stick to the 1200 target, and if it’s more than 2300 go with the 2300 calories target.

This is the genius part of this nutritional plan – you don’t have to weigh what you are eating or write it down. You know how many containers of each type of food you can eat per day and you just need to fill them and eat.

It’s up to you to organize the order of which containers you eat first.

Think about what you like most to eat when you wake up, for a morning snack, at lunch time, for an afternoon snack and for dinner. However, it’s always recommended that you plan 3 main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between meals is good to have snacks so you don’t get too hungry waiting for the next meal. Prepare 2 or 3 snacks a day between the main meals.

Drinking water is always good; it helps to keep you hydrated and is a good way to reduce your appetite between meals or snacks. You can also drink coffee and tea but in my personal experience, I found tea works best. Try both to see which one works better for you or which one you like most.

Tip: If you feel hungry between meals, Autumn Calabrese, recommends you to consume an extra green container (vegetables).

Planning Your Grocery List

You already know how many containers of each color you can use in your daily meals so it’s time to find what products you can use for each container.

There are a lot of options, and from my experience, I recommend you to pick the ones you like best so you can prepare tasty meals.

Tasty meals play an important role in keeping you motivated and giving you the energy to start each new day with a positive attitude.

Note: It’s always recommended to choose seasonal vegetables and fruits and, if you have the chance, pick locally-produced veggies/fruits. Seasonal veggies and fruits are cheaper and local products are usually healthier.

21 Day Fix Approved Food:

Each color represents a type of food:

  • Green for vegetables
  • Red for Proteins
  • Yellow for Carbs
  • Purple for Fruit
  • Orange for Seeds/Fat
  • Blue for Nuts/Dairy
  • Grey for Oils

Wait ! Do your shopping list before start shopping

We’ve all had the experience of going grocery shopping without a list and ending up buying a ton of things we didn’t need while forgetting the things we actually went shopping for.

Plus, if you are feeling hungry, eat something before going shopping. Feeling hungry and not having a shopping list are 2 important things to avoid before grocery shopping.

Check some of above ideas for each container, pick your favorites and MAKE a list of all the products you need for the day.

Do this a couple of days per week or weekly as your schedule allows. Personally I prefer to go grocery shopping weekly rather than every couple of days but do whatever works best for you.

21 Day Fix Calendar Plan

I find useful to have my own weekly calendar with all the daily 5 meals (3 main meals and 2 snacks) planned in advance. After I print the calendar I then stick it on my fridge so I can check it in the morning. It also makes it easier to organize my grocery list.

Calendar for Calorie Target 1200 without Shakeology

Since my calorie target is 1200, I’ve created my own weekly calendar meal planner using the recipes I like most so I can keep motivated and enjoy each meal or snack. I’ll share it with you so you can use the same plan or get ideas to build your own.

Use this link if you would like to download the PDF version.

I have also made my meal planner template available so you can edit, change and fill with your own meals for your week.

Calendar for Calorie Target 1500

Use my meal planner template and remember to add:

1 more Green Container – Add a green salad to the morning or afternoon snack

21 Day Fix Download Utorrent

1 more Purple Container – Add an extra fruit container to your breakfast or morning snack

1 more Yellow Container – Add more carbs by including a bagel for your morning snack or cereals before you go to bed.

Calendar for Calorie Target 1800

Depending on your life style you have several options here. You can add more food to the 5 meals (3 main meals and 2 snacks) or, for example, add an extra snack after a main meal. If you usually go to bed late, you can have a last night snack one hour before go to sleep.

On my calendar, remember to add:

2 Green: Containers: Add steamed broccoli, grilled mushrooms or snow peas to your meals

1 Purple: One portion more of fruit to your morning or afternoon snack

1 Red: A Greek yogurt after dinner or ricotta cheese to your morning snack

2 Yellows: Add pancakes to your breakfast or muffins to your afternoon snack

Calendar for Calorie Target 2300

Add an extra snack before or after dinner. It really depends on your daily routine, and when you feel most hungry. If you find that 1 morning snack it’s not enough and it feels like a long time to wait for your lunch, add an extra morning snack. If dinner seems like a long way off, add an extra afternoon snack.

Beach Body 21 Day Fix Download

If you use my 1200 calorie target meal planner don’t forget to add

3 Green Containers – Between meals and every time you feel hungry have a veggie container portion ready

2 Purple Containers – Have fruit before a meal and snack. I prefer to have fruit before rather than after meals.

2 Red Containers – Add protein to your snacks (eggs, ham slices)

3 Yellow Containers – Add pita bread, tortilla or waffles to your snacks

21 Day Fix Meal Plan Ideas

Fixate cookbook

The FIXATE cookbook is an amazing recipe book that contains 101 recipes that are all 21 Day Fix approved. The book was written by Autumn Calabrese to provide a wide variety of recipes for people to enjoy that are not only healthy but portion appropriate.

You will find a wide variety of recipes including Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, and Gluten-Free, as well as desserts and snacks. Autumn is from a family that loves food and has even ensured that many of the recipes in this wonderful book are kid friendly as well to help the whole family eat healthily. Learn more about the Fixate cookbook in my review here.

Here are some easy, healthy and tasty recipes for the different meals of the day.

You can also download, for free, our Days to Fitness recipe book that includes 37 Recipes, all of which are 21 Day Fix Approved. Find more and get yours for free here.

Breakfast Recipes – Start your day with proteins and fruit. I’ve shared some recipes here

Snack Recipes -Have a healthy and approved snack between meals. Snack Approved recipes here.

Lunch Recipes – For best weight-loss results, you have to pack your lunch with protein, carbs and veggies. Here are some 21 Day Fix approved recipes for lunch time.

Dinner Recipes – For your last main meal of the day, don’t forget the protein, remember to avoid carbs, and add an extra portion of vegetables. Here are some easy, healthy and tasty recipes to try.

Dessert Recipes – You don’t have to avoid desserts! Here are some 21 Day Fix approved desserts ideas.

How to Plan your 21 Day Fix Meals


6 Easy Steps to plan and prepare our meals in advance so we have a nice, healthy 21 Day Fix approved meal ready for lunch time. Continue here.

Shakeology Alternatives

It’s impossible to argue with the success or popularity of Shakeology.


Far and away one of the most effective weight-loss solutions on the planet today, Shakeology takes advantage of everything we now know about nutrition and a healthy eating lifestyle and condenses it into super simple to make – and absolutely delicious to eat – healthy shakes.

So much more than a meal replacement solution, Shakeology is a lifestyle change that can help you achieve the body of your dreams.

Unfortunately, when you purchase Shakeology directly from the folks behind it, you are always going to have to pay top dollar and a premium – most of it just for the brand name.

Thankfully, there are a variety of alternatives that you’ll be able to take advantage of that will give you the same (if not better) results while tasting fantastic at the same time!

Find Shakeology alternatives here.

How to Get Ready for 21 Day Fix

Still not sure how to start ? Or what you need ? Let’s be prepared to make the change. Read more.

In our modern society, a lot of things are changing due to technological advancements. Even things that you wouldn’t expect to change, like fitness, is evolving to meet the digital age. More and more people nowadays are ditching their gym memberships in favor of at-home fitness programs, like P90X3, 21 Day Fix, etc. In this 21 Day Fix review, we’ll go over the details of the program.

Unlike some programs, 21 Day Fix aims to be a complete one-stop-shop for your health and fitness makeover. By combining both diet and exercise, the program has the potential to have some pretty drastic benefits in as little as 3 weeks. Keep reading to learn how to access 21 Day Fix streaming online, and more!

What is 21 Day Fix?

21 Day Fix is an innovative new diet and exercise program brought to you by Beachbody. It uses a combination of full-body exercise videos to follow along with and a rigorous diet plan to help its users make significant changes in a matter of weeks. 21 Day Fix has helped some people lose up to 10 pounds in just 3 weeks time, and you can actually try it for free for 30 days by clicking here.

21 Day Fix is lead by fitness expert Autumn Calabrese, a celebrity trainer and health expert. With years of experience leading fitness programs like this one, Autumn is an excellent instructor and resource. This particular program is designed to be a quick and effective way to revolutionize your health and kick your body into gear.

The program is primarily aimed at women, but it can be quite effective for men, as well. It’s more of a weight loss/general fitness program than it is a strength-training program. People love this program, as you’ll see by reading 21 Day Fix reviews. It has helped thousands of people reach (and sometimes exceed) their fitness goals – and if you give it a chance, it might just work for you!

21 Day Fix Review: Key Features

21 Day Fix is an at-home workout program that you can follow along with on your own schedule. There are a lot of reasons why you may want to access the 21 Day Fix stream to help reach your fitness goals. Maybe you want to lose weight, or maybe you just want to tone up and build some muscle. Here are some key features of 21 Day Fix:

  • Easy – it’s easy to follow along with these quick videos, especially if you use Beachbody On Demand to access 21 Day Fix streaming from home.
  • Accessible – the program features quick, 30-minute workouts designed to be accessible to a wide range of people – regardless of your schedule or physical ability.
  • Flexible – there are the standard exercises in each video, and then there are also modifiers for each exercise to make things easier. This is great for older folks, those who are new to fitness, and anyone with minor injuries or disabilities.
  • Fun – believe it or not, following along with the 21 Day Fix stream can actually be fun! Autumn Calabrese is very upbeat and motivating, which makes it easier to stick to the program and have fun while doing it.
  • Diet & Exercise – 21 Day Fix combines a great diet plan with an effective exercise regimen. Combined, these can produce some pretty incredible results.
  • Effective – the program is designed for fast and meaningful results, in just 21 days. It won’t make you a supermodel overnight, but if you stick with it, you will absolutely see real results, and quick!
  • Free for 30 days – you can actually try the whole program for free, thanks to a free trial offer from Beachbody On Demand. Since this is a 21-day program, you can actually stream the entirety of the program for free!

What is the 21 Day Fix Workout Schedule?

No 21 Day Fix review would be complete without a section about the actual workouts! This program follows a rigid schedule, and for best results you should follow along as suggested. With that said, there is of course some flexibility, given that you’ll be following along from home. Below, find the 21 Day Fix exercises and the full 21 Day Fix workout schedule:

Monday – Total Body Cardio Fix – this is designed to increase your heart rate and keep it up, to help shed pounds, increase cardiovascular function, improve your metabolism, and more.

Tuesday – Upper Fix – this is designed to help you tone up. It uses targeted resistance training to build and tone muscle in your upper body.

Wednesday – Lower Fix – this is designed to help improve strength and tone muscle in the lower body, mostly through fun cardio and lower body resistance training.

Thursday – Pilates Fix – this is a low-impact Pilates routine that helps to tone up your muscles, particularly in your core, hips and thighs. It’s also very effective for flexibility training.

Friday – Cardio Fix – a broad cardio routine that helps you keep a high heart rate and shed pounds.

SaturdayBonus Workout or Rest Day – on Saturday, you can take a rest day, if needed, or you can do one of the bonus workouts included in the program.

21 Day Fix Extreme Download

SundayYoga Fix – a low-impact, relaxed routine that uses yoga poses to help stretch, strengthen and tone muscles.

Can I Try 21 Day Fix for Free?

There is a way to access the 21 Day Fix stream free for a full 30 days. All you need to do is sign up for a free trial of Beachbody On Demand.

Beachbody On Demand is an online streaming program that lets you stream workout videos, like 21 Day Fix, P90X3, etc. from home, whenever you want. There’s no need for physical DVDs – you can just stream on your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. or on your TV via a streaming device.

The best thing about this service is that it doesn’t limit you to just one program. You get 10’s of programs in one, offering literally hundreds of workout videos. You can follow along with a program, try out a few, or just pick a video at random to follow. There are a lot of options to keep things interesting, and more and more people are using these types of programs to stay in shape.

After the free trial, Beachbody On Demand is $13 per month, or cheaper if you prepay for 6+ months in advance. It’s contract-free.

Click here to start your free trial of Beachbody On Demand, and access 21 Day Fix streaming today!

21 Day Fix Review: Bottom Line

Overall, this is a highly effective and enjoyable program. It’s ideal for people wanting to drop a few pounds and get their diet and nutrition back on track. It’s even better to use via Beachbody On Demand, because the streaming feature means you can watch from wherever, whenever.

In addition, if it turns out that 21 Day Fix is not for you, you can always try out different programs using Beachbody On Demand. There are quite a few programs available to choose from. You can sign up for your 30-day free trial of Beachbody On Demand by clicking here.

Thanks for reading out 21 Day Fix review, and let us know if you have any questions!